The Literary Citizen Winter/Spring 2017 | Page 15

What do you do when you are not writing, and does it have an influence on your writing process?

I read constantly and that definitely has a positive influence on my writing. I also love long walks with the hubby and our dog Charlie. It clears my mind and lets me think on plot ideas. The second novel in my Danni Deadline Thriller series has a scene in the first chapter about a stroll along a dam. We have a dam with a trail on it near our house where we frequently walk. The scene in the book involves a murder, but my husband Lloyd claims he’s a little nervous walking up there now that he knows what was going through my head on one of those walks.

What is your favorite childhood book, and what did it teach you?

I already confessed about Little Women, but when I was even younger, I loved A Velveteen Rabbit. I loved the magic of it. The lesson is about hope. No matter how awful things seem, positive change can come when least expected.

What is your writing kryptonite?

Self doubt.

If you could make a literary pilgrimage, where would it be?

I don’t know that I have any desire for a literary pilgrimage, but I would love to stay in a cabin in the mountains and write for a week or two. And I’d love to make it an annual event!


"... a white-knuckle read."

".... a first-rate novel."

"...a heck of a good read."