The Lion's Roar-Quarter 1, 2016-2017 Volume 1 | Page 14

WE LOVE READING! A huge thank you to all of our parents and teachers who are helping to instill a love for reading in our scholars. This year our book fair was a huge success and our scholars did a great job on their summer reading projects as well! Here are some of our favorite quotes on reading: 
 “There is no such thing as a child who hates to read; there are only children who have not found the right book.” —Frank Serafini We read to know we are not alone. —C.S. Lewis
 A parent or a teacher has only his lifetime; a good book can teach forever. —Louis L’Amour #OSOTAHIGHLIGHTS SEE YOU AT THE POLE Our High School scholars led our SYATP this year with a special time of prayer, worship and honoring our country with the national anthem. Many hearts were deeply touched as we lifted our requests to heaven. “Let the children come to me; do not hinder them, for to such belongs the kingdom of God. Truly, I say to you, whoever does not receive the kingdom of God like a child shall not enter it.” Mark 10:13-16 While we love to gather together once a 
 year for this special time of prayer we must encourage one another to make this a 
 daily practice. 14