The Lion's Pride Volume 9 (January 2018) | Page 10

adapt to changing job demands and, for that matter, changing jobs over a lifetime” as well as “dealing with an increasingly competitive international labor pool.” Employers want an employee who is a jack of all trades, who can move fluidly through the ever-changing modern work world. General education prepares the employee of the modern globalized world. Further, globalization tends to come with changing technology and melding cultures, requiring individuals to be able to adapt to the new global environment. A person who has a variety of skills, especially communication and analytical skills, can adapt to these changes more easily. Burbules and Torres note that globalization creates an environment where “educational aims that have more to do with flexibility and adaptability (for instance, in responding to rapidly changing work demands and opportunities), with learning how to coexist with others in diverse (and hence often conflict-riven) public spaces…all emerge as new imperatives.” It is the flexible and communicative individual who is going to be more successful in the global environment, and general education creates well-rounded, adaptive individuals with good communication skills. For instance, social science courses teach people about human nature and human behavior, which allows a person to more easily understand different kinds of people and societies. Humanity courses, on the other hand, teach direct communication skills, including speaking and writing, which make it easy for a person to