The Lion's Pride Volume 11 (Winter 2019) | Page 21

Children Without Childhood: Why We Need to End All Child Labor Parisa Afshar 7 years ago, I left my country in hopes of finding a better life and better economic conditions, but in all these years I've always been thinking of people in my country. They are getting poorer day by day, and my country's economic situation worsens. Last year, I went to my country to visit my family, everything had been terribly worse, many of those I knew became poorer. But the thing that harassed me, and hurt my heart was to see the kids who were forced to work because of the poverty of their families, the children of my home land instead of having fun and joy, while they were tired and hungry, they had to work to help their families. Hoping for a day when all the children of the world will be happy, and no one has to work at a child's age.