The Lion's Pride Volume 10 (Spring 2018) | Page 76

carrying out accommodations and modifications for students who requires special education services. The two teachers, as well as paraprofessionals, have the responsibility to educate all students in the classroom”. The team might include special education professionals, behavior and child development specialists, as well as community resource experts. Once a strong teaching team is in place then begins the work of involving the families of the children in the program and including them in the educational process. Building a connection between home and school is essential to the overall success rate of the children participating in an inclusive program. As all children learn from modeling, an inclusive environment is most effective when all essential components are working together. These essential components are a strong teaching team, informed and involved families and a committed community network of professional resources. The benefits found within inclusive programs are not limited to those children with special needs because typically developing children can thrive in a well-structured inclusive setting as well. The Early Childhood Alliance (2015) states, “An inclusive attitude accepts that all children with and without disabilities should be respected and supported to feel capable and safe, and can experience the benefits of living and growing together.” Aside from being a representation of a community (which is significant for the socio-emotional development of all children) as a