The Lion's Pride Volume 10 (Spring 2018) | Page 59

chewing and crushing of food which is produced by the force of the teeth coming together – and the release of stress (p. 3). Biting on things such as fingernails, pen caps, or other objects that can easily replace those when in need are “considered outlets for emotional tension or stress” (Kubo et al., 2015): Mastication during stressful conditions suppresses stress-induced activation of the autonomic nervous system, causing sympathetic nerve terminals to locally release catecholamines. Aggressive biting during exposure to stress significantly attenuates stress-induced increases in dopamine metabolism and noradrenaline turnover in the hypothalamus and limbic areas. Although studies on the correlation of sleep bruxism and environmental stress factors still are controversial, there are many that support the relationship between the two subjects, which are still being studied further (Kubo et al., 2015).