The Lion's Pride Volume 10 (Spring 2018) | Page 68

Inclusion in the Early Childhood Education Classroom Victoria Lewis I am a preschool teacher who strives to teach from my heart, plan from my head while thinking on my feet. Leading always by example, nurturing curiosity and creativity, encouraging kindness and continually presenting children in my care with opportunities for self-discovery. Inclusion in the Early Childhood Education classroom is an issue that I am passionate about. I view each day as an opportunity to show children the value of who they are by creating an environment that supports their individual growth and welcomes diversity. The topic of inclusion in the early childhood education classroom is one of great debate. Can typically and atypically developing children be taught alongside one another and succeed equally? Concerns arise as teachers, families and members of the community ask, what is true Early Childhood Inclusion, and can it be implemented in the preschool classroom? According to Eileen Allen and Glynnis Cowdery (2015) “Inclusion is not a set of strategies or a placement issue. Inclusion is about belonging to a community-a group of friends, a school community, or a neighborhood” (p. 6). In a sense, inclusion is the right of every human to feel supported, valued and welcomed by those in their community (Allen & Cowdery, 2015, p. 6). Having preschool classrooms mirror a supportive and welcoming community that values its members can be beneficial and successful if done with care and consideration and a knowledge of child development, understanding true inclusion and the impact of teamwork. The success of an inclusive early childhood educational program is made possible through a dedicated