The Lion's Pride Volume 10 (Spring 2018) | Page 47

Now we say; "Be a teacher to the small, a student to the wise, and a light to the wick, to pass through the compass, and illuminate the path of our new fathers." They will give to you: age of which the vines have laced, love so amazing and grand, and never become a man with no border and cornerstone. The apple may fall from the tree of knowledge; it will rot away with the temptation of the wicked. Thoughts and teachings are not given to those who take without care and devour it whole. The fruit is to be gathered; stored for when it is time of famine. Children who are given these evil fruits will turn to the soil of where it had rotted. Those who are patient and concerned for one's infant will wait until the fruit has ripened, and pass it to them to share with joy and thrill of having waited long for good company. Loving youth, -Anna Fletcher, 2015