The Lion's Pride , Vol. 5 (Feb. 2016) | Page 72

 Greater academic achievement - youth who meditated at Quiet Time schools had improved grades, attendance, and standardized test scores in comparison with control groups.  Improved youth wellness -youth who meditated at Quiet Time schools showed improvements in interpersonal relations, quality of sleep, and self-esteem; and significant reductions in depressive symptoms and anxiety.  Improved classroom climate- Schools with the Quiet Time program experienced strong reductions in fighting and student suspensions (David Lynch Foundation, n.d.) Studies done on Meditation:  A 2011 study was done on Meditation on the brain by Sarah Lazar, a neuroscientist at Massachusetts General Hospital and Harvard Medical School. The study took a group of people who had never meditated before and put them through an eight-week mindfulness program. Brain scans revealed differences in brain volume after 8 weeks in five different regions in the brain. In the experimental group that learned meditation, there were four regions in the brain that thickened in grey matter.