The Lion's Pride , Vol. 5 (Feb. 2016) | Page 111 health_topics/outdoorair/databases/AAP_database_results2014.pdf?ua=1 Figure 2. PM10 levels for selected cities by region, for the last available year in the period 2008-2012. Low-income countries tend to have PM 10 levels that exceed the annual air quality standard guidelines. PM 10 levels in India and in Pakistan, for example, are over 250 micrograms per cubic meter. These statistics are very important because they show how serious the air has been polluted. Isn't it about time to care more about our environment? Note. The data are adapted from “WHO’s Ambient Air pollution Database-Update 2014,” by World Health Organization website. Retrieved from health_topics/outdoorair/databases/AAP_database_results2014.pdf?ua=1 Most people know air pollution causes health problems, but how deeply do they know about the details? They might not know that air pollution not only causes respiratory diseases,