The Lion's Pride , Vol. 5 (Feb. 2016) | Page 26

his hand. With a shrug he dropped it to the table, the professor followed shortly with one of his own. “now we take turns placing these other cards that match the node card around it.” “Match how?” Gafor asked, looking for an exact match. “Similar colors, text styles, shared logos, things like that.” Gafor watched as the other alien placed a card as a demonstration. “And overpowering matches are how captures work.” “Overpowering matches?” Gafor asked dropping a card of his own. “If one has more red, or larger but similar text, things like that.” the professor said, reorganizing the cards he was holding. “So what’s the goal?” “You're trying to capture all of the others active node cards.” The Professor said placing a second card. Gafor carefully considered his next move, “You don't suppose we're wrong, do you?” The Professor looked up from his hand, “Of course we're not.”