The Lion's Pride , Vol. 5 (Feb. 2016) | Page 145

(NS) works together with musculoskeletal system in a way that it sends the signals of alert and forces the body to move away from any dangers; it is also responsible for a quiet time allowing the body to relax and rest. The cardiovascular system supplies the body with oxygenated blood, and it maintains adequate blood flow to the heart to keep a person alive. The endocrine system creates natural killer T-cells (NK) that detect harmful or defective cells and destroy them. And, finally, the skin protects the body from harmful stimuli and serves as “the first line of defense” (p. 43). All systems are important to promote and enhance the immune system. When cancer invades the body, it changes the normal functions of all systems affecting an individual's immunity greatly. If the immune system gets weak, the human body starts losing its protection and becomes imbalanced. As Prinster (2014) observed, “Cancer steals your breath, yoga gives it back” (p. 277). By helping the body maintain its balance, yoga is proven to benefit physical health as much as emotional and spiritual. “Yoga is a holistic path to wellness focusing on the interconnection of all body systems” (Prinster, 2014, p.66). Cancer itself disrupts the interconnection. Chemotherapy along with radiation weakens the immune