The Lion's Pride vol. 4 (June 2015) | Page 71

programming inside a classroom. Through persistency and motivation I utilized the free information available online to teach myself how to write code. Even though I had found phenomenal “teachers” and strong communities online, I was losing the motivation to learn about and practice coding. I was getting overwhelmed and impatient. I just wanted to create applications, but instead I had to spend most of my time studying and researching how to do various things. Eventually I began to understand how to create applications for a wide range of platforms. For example, I started to developed applications for the IPhone and Android marketplace, as well as websites and PC programs. I always felt like I could learn faster from having a teacher that I could ask for help or advice when I needed it. I knew I needed some sort of further education and was considering going to college. However, I was hesitant to go back school since I didn’t want to do anything else besides program. Also, I always felt like education should be free, especially in my field because information is always rapidly changing. Ultimately, though, I knew that my chances of getting a job without a degree would be very slim. Therefore I started looking into different programs offered in my field.