The Lion's Pride vol. 4 (June 2015) | Page 47

open my eyes and move gently.” I felt disappointed. I couldn’t believe that meditation period was so short, just a few minutes! When I opened my eyes, I realized that forty minutes of meditation session had passed; the program was over and it was time to go home. When I stepped outside, my mind was very calm. I looked around: everything in nature, trees and shrubs, patches of grass and puddles of water were supremely beautiful, delicate and alive. All the man-made objects – cars, houses, lampposts – were adorable, as crafted by gnomes. Nothing was out of place, and everything was perfect. I was aware of space surrounding every object. It was permeated by light, life and mystery. Everything was sweet, precious and new. Part 3. Meditation Later, I learned that everything I felt – the fear, the panic, the stillness, the bliss – was quite common and natural. I also learned that all the spiritual experiences, no matter how fascinating, scary or beautiful, are only the passing experiences. Like any other experiences they come and go. They don’t reflect the depth of our emotional maturity or the sincerity of our values.