The Lion's Pride vol. 4 (June 2015) | Page 22

confront these issues it can be an empowering experiences for us all. Statistics say that 20 years from now the majority of morticians will be women between the ages of 20 and 30. Women who went from being tiny Goth girls to elegantly dressed academics ready to discuss what most of the world isn’t. This is a fight for the betterment of our future, not our demise and I am willing and ready to educate others and ease them into a new philosophy of death. This reformation could be an answer to many of the world’s problems and even if it’s not I am going to be present for the battle. By 2017 I am going to be a certified mortician, hopefully writing my own educational and death-positive literature. If there truly is a movement happening right here, right now, I am not going to let it slip away in my lifetime.