The Lion's Pride vol. 3 (Feb. 2015) | Page 99

their humanity, because their only goal in life would be to “outgrow” other genetically altered and laboratory athletes. While genetic engineering and altering of the human genome can bring about enormous medical benefits, I believe genetic engineering will have devastating effects on human life that we don’t fully understand. We can’t accurately predict what will happen if we continue on the path of altering human DNA, but the possible consequences can be shown with asking a few simple questions. Can humans be classified as human or sentient if we are not as we were originally created? That is to say, if we artificially alter ourselves and others, even if what we put into ourselves is organic, are we still truly us? I believe the answer to be no. We are using artificial means to recreate ourselves, which means what comes out of the process will not be entirely us. No longer will we be born and raised, but rather created and grown out of laboratories. When learning high school biology, everyone learns the list of all things something must be able to accomplish to be considered “living.” One of those requirements is that it must reproduce. If we humans are not reproducing anymore, but rather being produced out of test tubes and petri dishes, what gives us the right to classify ourselves as living, much less human?