The Lion's Pride vol. 3 (Feb. 2015) | Page 96

gone from being used to rebuild people who say, are severe burn victims, people now use plastic surgery on a whim, if they want to change a part of themselves just because they don’t like it or want to ‘improve’ it. For example, if parents used genetic engineering to cure their child of Downs syndrome, they might also have doctors modify their child’s genetics to make the child more intelligent and more skilled socially. If such editing of people becomes commonplace recreationally, then it is possible that we will see increased discrimination among the human population. Say, if a person can’t afford to genetically alter themselves to make them taller, the wealthy might look down (both literally and metaphorically) on the poor for being short, unable to take part in popular choice of editing themselves to increase height. Examples of this type of artificial editing on humans are already occurring, with people undergoing operations such as plastic surgery in an effort to be perceived as ‘perfect.’ This type of discrimination could be disastrous to humans as a community, because it will further increase the already existing gap between classes and ethnicities. Another example of where genetic engineering could heavily influence inherently natural human life would be in sports,