The Lion's Pride vol. 3 (Feb. 2015) | Page 93

everyone, both machines and humans, then the rest of humanity will be rendered obsolete. If the elite have the cruel desire to get rid of unnecessary humans, they could use any means of weapons, technological or biological, to exterminate the mass of humanity, leaving only technology and their rulers on earth. Even if this extreme hypothesis does not happen, and the elite decide to take care of the rest of humanity, the result will not be much improved. The 99% of humans not making decisions will be satisfied and taken care of, having hobbies, be in good health, and have environments that are psychologically and physically hygienic. But this is no improvement, because Joy points out that life will be utterly purposeless, and that the majority of humanity will be, “reduced to the status of domestic animals.” Genetic engineering will not improve this outcome any, with people selecting favorable characteristics to have, similar to how we artificially select the traits of domestic animals today. One of many technologies that Joy mentions in his article is genetic engineering, or the altering of the human genome. After the discovery of DNA and its structure, near unlimited possibilities opened up for biologists. As stated in an article on genetic engineering by Science Clarified, “If genes are chemical