The Lion's Pride vol. 3 (Feb. 2015) | Page 114

author attributes this to French culture and its priority on raising children in a disciplined manner. (By contrast, I would argue that America is increasingly using the electronic/virtual world to nurture its up and coming generations, with no structure or schedule for the children. My mother used to say the best babysitter in the world was the TV.) Other websites assure that ADD/ADHD is a fictitious ailment, strictly a set of behaviors that can be corrected through training and counseling. These websites are outside of the mainstream medical/pharmaceutical community, and thus have a lower level of credibility. Dr. Tom Baker (not of Dr. Who fame) writes on his website “ADHD isn’t a ‘disease’, it’s a particular pattern of brain functions that interferes with traditional classroom learning. It’s like a left-handed student sitting in a desk made by and for right-handers.” Again, the question is, are these fidgety people with short attention spans normal people, or are they deviants that must be treated with meds? Although there is currently no cure for ADHD, there are a variety of treatments, coping strategies, and interventions to assist with the characteristics of ADHD (Alvarez-McHatton). Medicines such as Ritalin, Focalin, Adderall, and Dexedrine stimulate brain activity and help extend attention span,