The Lion's Pride vol. 3 (Feb. 2015) | Page 102

Abstract: Attention Deficit Disorder/ Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder has in the last 30 years become a mainstream and commonly diagnosed and medicated syndrome. There are adults who have been on medication since childhood, and are dependent on their prescribed drugs in order for them to be able to function. Has the existence of this disorder come about only in the last few decades, has it always been present in humanity, or is it a disorder fabricated by an establishment that seeks to marginalize and medicate those who are a few degrees off of ‘absolute normal’ in the bell curve? This paper will discuss basic facts about ADD/ADHD and my personal experiences and observations regarding this phenomena in an attempt to answer that question. ADD/ADHD is a “…disorder that can negatively affect…academic, behavioral, and social functioning” (AlvarezMcHatton). “It is not a single disease, but a ‘syndrome’, i.e. a grouping of symptoms that typically occur together” (Castellanos, et al). There tends to be disagreement on an exact definition of what ADD/ADHD is, and exactly how to properly diagnose it. Indeed, how it is defined and categorized varies not just abroad between different nations, but within the American