The Lion's Pride vol. 2 (Jun. 2014) | Page 20

13 behind in schoolwork. During school, I was constantly in tears, having panic attacks, and begging my mom to pick me up and take me home. Eventually, upon the advice of a care team, I took a medical leave from school for six weeks and was placed into a re-entry program. After my six week leave, I was back in life: going to school, making plans, and consuming my free time with video games. I no longer felt hopeless or depressed, but there was still something wrong, something nagging at the back of my mind. I started noticing and hearing about people committing suicide. Those people had felt that same hopeless hole I had felt. It hit me hard, and I was feeling worse about myself. I felt entirely responsible for those people, and when I found out about another death, the guilt flooded my system and I cried over each one. I knew I needed to do something to help them, but what could I do? I was only one person, one that has great social anxiety and c