The Linnet's Wings | Page 93

WINTER ' FOURTEEN I will celebrate. As it was aforetime so shall it be hereafter. World unto world within a word. Only that which I know can please me (I the most pleased). As if the ancient traditions were made new or that there were no traditions to dull the beauty of my nakedness! Either way…junctions and joining. Choice of one road opposing the choice of another. A different future in both choices and mine to chose. Left foot or right foot. And must I attire myself accordingly? Hat and cane perhaps. A steady pace or a slow saunter? Then into what future am I travelling down this road or that? And what life will be unlived because I choose one road rather than another? Junctions and joining. But also, in the same choice, denials and separations. Thus be it so for it is so. I choose and have no regrets. Forward! Forward! Battle-hymns upon my lips and my cane flashing like a lance! O wonderful morning. O great day of my desire. Am I less than your expectations and demands of me? Am I less than any fatherless child who has a right to be in this sunshine? Forward! Forward! Choose a path and adhere to it. Break the obstacles in your way. Cast aside the useless traditions like useless cloths. Sing as befits your mood. Stride with confidence into the city because there is no other world and this is it. (Stride: in motion; motive; motor; movable; mercurial; changeful; unquiet; restless; nomadic; runaway; hie; gang; wend; trail; flutter; wave; flap; walk; trip; tread; tramp; dance; leap; skitter; slide; slither; skate; fly; frisk; filt; flitter; dart; hover; cruse; progress; pass through; wade; tack; manoeuvre.) Change the clause – make the past tense the present tense, measure the gravity of light, open the door of a possibility. Yes I will! Now. And hereafter. Or as he would say -You are becoming a poet again. When was it otherwise? And now my shadow before me becomes my shadow behind me. And this door which opens in opens out – so what should I do, push or pull? Every moment is the zero moment of a beginning. This is my day and I’ll have no other. Now. Or as he would say – so, we are back at choice. Never moved from it. Never will. Measure that. Like water the good Greek stepped into and out of. Hail equals – how beautiful is my arrogance to me! (forgive my exclamations) Can a shadow be measured? – if so I will measure it. And the past is the present in its new attire. I am not other than what I am. Like the clock hands ticking towards a new zero. Negate the negations – measure that into the new infinity. Yes, there is no other world and this is it – nor any other wanted. Will there be singing? – yes, there will be singing. And the river offering its guidance – o beauty of water. Am I now Taliesin’s child? And that shadow crossing mine in a new calligraphy. The Linnet's Wings