The Link Late Summer 2019 The Link Aug-Sep 2019 v2 | Page 6

Hello Readers... Welcome to the Late Summer edition of The Link. I know I’m tempting fate, but looks like summer is here at last! Apart from the odd showers, we’ve had beautiful, hot sunny days for the last two weeks, which for both of us (my husband Mike and myself) is fantastic, because, due to unforeseen circumstances, we had to forego our annual visit to Malta this year. Next year we plan to make up for it by going on a river cruise, possibly on the Rhine or maybe the Danube - not sure which yet, because they all look amazing. Any suggestions? L T The Link Publisher & Advertising Grapevine Publications (Worcestershire) Ltd 3 Rye Street • Birtsmorton • WR13 6AS Tel: 01684 833715  Mob: 07754 170286 We’re now in the second half of the year, so it’s now a down-hill run to (dare I say it …!) Christmas! And with that in mind, this year we are offering not- to-be-missed special offers to new customers who book space in the Autumn and Winter editions of The Link. So, if you are thinking about advertising with us, now’s the time to do it. Give me a call, or drop me an email and I’ll tell you more . . . Editor Betty-Ann Ambury Advertising & Editorial Betty-Ann Ambury Contributors Just a quick reminder about our Clubs & Groups page, which is proving very popular, so if you have a organisation that you would like to include, email me the details before the next deadline, which is 8th September. The same applies to the What’s On page – email your events as soon as possible to have them included in the next issue. Caterham & District Horticultural Society Caterham Lions Club Rotary Club of Caterham Surrey Wildlife Trust Trevor Langley Photography 8th September 2019 ase re c ple DISCLAIMER. All information published is correct according to those who supplied it and no responsibility is taken if it is not. Care is taken to ensure all advertisements are truthful and no liability is accepted for errors or omissions. Artwork is accepted on the understanding that there are no copyright restrictions. 6 Next Issue Copy Date for 2 m me Front Cover & Pages 16, 30 & 31 Mike Ambury Until next time, stay happy and healthy. Betty ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. All artwork and copy appearing in this publication is copyright and may not be reproduced without written permission from the publisher. The right to refuse advertisements is reserved. The use of this publication for canvassing, direct marketing or any other activity apart from sourcing local goods and services is strictly prohibited. © 2019 To advertise call 01684 833715 or email: