The Link Late Summer 2019 The Link Aug-Sep 2019 v2 | Page 26

The RSPB Croydon Local Group Monthly Illustrated Wildlife Talks in South Croydon Whitgift Sports Club, Croham Manor Road off Croham Road. South Croydon, CR2 7BG Second Monday of each month 2pm and again at 8pm. Admission £4.00. Everyone is welcome, not just RSPB members. Free refreshments. A selection of RSPB goods, nuts & seeds are on sale. Parking limited on site but free in adjacent roads. 64 & 433 buses stop nearby in Croham Road. Monday August 12th 2019 The Group’s General Meeting (afternoon) and AGM (evening) will be preceded by a talk celebrating 130 years of the RSPB. Tessa Boase will be telling us about those women (including Eliza Phillips of Croydon) who defied convention to fight the plumage trade. Her research led to the writing of her book ”Mrs Pankhurst's Purple Feather” (subtitled ‘Fashion, Fury and Feminism - Women’s Fight for Change’). * * * * * Monday September 9th 2019 “Transatlantic Travels” Mike Mockler looks at wildlife in some of his favourite places in the Americas, among them Costa Rica, the Galapagos Islands, Jamaica, Canada and Patagonia. Birds range from glittering forest gems like the resplendent quetzal to snowy owls and Andean condors. Mammals include elephant seal, three species of sea-lion, orca, humpback whale, moose, elk, wolf and puma. For more information contact John Davis on 020 8640 4578 or see Note: on request we give illustrated bird talks to local organisations. 26 To advertise call 01684 833715 or email: [email protected]