The Link Late Summer 2019 The Link Aug-Sep 2019 v2 | Page 13
The Big Knit 2019
3,750 to go. All hats need to reach
them no later than 31 July 2019.
rab your knitting needles,
and help Age UK Surrey to
be there for older people who
have no one else to turn to.
What is the Big Knit?
For the Big Knit campaign, Age UK
Surrey ask you to knit little woolly
hats to go on top of bottles of
innocent smoothies that are then
sold in shops up and down the
country. For every smoothie sold
with one of its hats, Age UK Surrey
receives 25p from innocent.
How to get involved
If you would like to knit some
lovely little hats for this year’s Big
Knit, it couldn’t be easier.
When complete, please package up
your hats and send them to: Age UK
Surrey, Rex House, William Road,
Guildford, GU1 4QZ. Thank you
for your support.
recent change in circumstances? If
you have answered ‘yes’ to any of
these questions and don’t know
who to turn to for help, contact
Age UK Surrey today.
How Age UK Surrey can help
Growing older doesn't come with a
manual. That's why Age UK Surrey
provides free information and advice
to help you on topics as diverse as
claiming benefits to care homes. Age UK Surrey’s experienced
Information and Advice team can
provide information, advice and
support to enable you to maximise
your income and maintain your
independence; and if they can’t
help they are usually able to sign-
post you to someone who can. The
service is free, confidential and
Do you look after a loved one? Do
you know if you’re eligible for
health or age-related benefits? Do
you need help to enable you to
remain at home? Have you had a Call Age UK Surrey’s Information
and Advice team on 01483 446627
Monday to Thursday 9am to 1pm.
Outside of these hours the Age UK
national helpline is available.
Whether you’re a knitting novice
or a purling pro, visit www.ageuk. to download a range
of knitting or crochet patterns, or
call 01483 503414. Then, make
yourself a nice cup of tea, find a
comfy chair and knit away!
This year, Age UK Surrey has the
target of 7,000 hats. They have
already sent off 3,250 hats and have
The Link