The LINK Fall 2017 | Page 22

BY THE NUMBERS HOOKED ON SMARTPHONES? Let’s just hope our parents don’t take our cell phones away after reading this article. Source: Internet Crime and Abuse Statistics compiled by Guard Child, ONLY OF KINDERGARTNERS HAVE ACCESS TO CELL PHONES. of teenage girls have posted semi-nude photos of themselves. 71 % 67 % & OF TEEN GIRLS OF BOYS WHO SENT OR POSTED SEXUALLY AGGRESSIVE CONTENT SAY THEY SEND IT TO A BOYFRIEND OR GIRLFRIEND. 22 THE LINK JANUARY 2018 of girls claimed to be able to conduct online chat without their parents knowing. 15 % of parents are “in the know” about their kids’ social media habits, and how these can lead to cyberbullying. 44 % of teens admitted they have watch something online that their parents wouldn’t approve of (only 28% of parents are aware of this). 12 % of teens have been bullied by someone online. OF KIDS AGED 8-18 HAVE ACCIDENTALLY ENCOUNTERED ONLINE PORNOGRAPHY WHILE ENTERING AN INNOCENT SEARCH TERM. The largest group of internet porn consumers is children aged 12-17. % 95 OF PARENTS DO NOT KNOW COMMON CHAT ROOM ACRONYMS TEENAGERS USE SUCH AS POS (PARENT OVER SHOULDER), P911 (PARENT ALERT). JANUARY 2018 THE LINK 23