The Link Autumn 2019 The Link Oct-Nov 2019 v2 | Page 4

How Did You Spend Your Summer? W ith summer holidays merely a distant memory and the new school term in full swing, now might be a good time to reflect on how we filled those sunny days of freedom. Many children and young adults fight their way through the final term of the year with the glorious end goal of six stress-free weeks of holiday. Many plans are hatched, but one week of relaxing inactivity stretches into another and before you know it the six weeks are over and little has been achieved, except of course for a higher score on the latest video or online game, or numerous fights with your siblings. But not for all, because over the summer groups of 16 year olds have been using their extra- long summer to make a big difference. income in a sustainable way for them and their families. Locally we are championing global citizenship by raising awareness among young people in Croydon and giving them experience of international development. The NCS scheme engages teenagers in the summer to use their time by being involved in socially responsible activities in their community. Having just finished their GCSE exams, rather than squander the time, 30 young people from across the Croydon borough, working in two teams, dedicated 4 weeks of their summer holidays exploring the work ACT does in Africa and using the knowledge to develop practical ideas which they then used to help raise awareness of the work of the charity locally and also fund raise. Not only were they able to support the work of the charity, the exercise helped to develop their project management skills, communication and team working. and broadening their knowledge of Africa. Back at their centre, the teams set about planning their event days, prepar- ing budgets and the logistics. They also spent time pitching their ideas. One of the teams organised a colour run, involving team members and members of the public running around a set course at a local park in Croydon. They raised funds by giving the public opportunity to throw coloured paint powder at the runners. Another project they organised was an awareness day in central Croydon. They made greeting cards to sell, and created activities and resources to publicise our work. These young people have held the baton of social responsibility by sacrificing their summer for a good cause as global citizens and are passing the baton on to a wider audience with this challenge: How did you spend your summer? Are you inspired by them and would you like to take on the baton and do This summer our African Child Trust your bit to continue their sacrificial offices in both Croydon and Birming- work? Would you consider walking ham have been working with teams alongside ACT to make a difference in from the National Citizens Service the lives of orphans and disadvantaged (NCS). ACT (African Child Trust) was African children and widows? A good formed in Croydon 20 years ago. We are On their first day at the ACT Tamworth way would be to sign up to sponsor an local, yet international in our focus. orphan through part of their secondary Operating in eight African countries, we Road office, in Croydon (behind Centrale), ACT Office Manager, Diana, school education or university, work with orphans and disadvantaged volunteer in our office, take part in one children to escape poverty by providing made a presentation introducing them of our events or make a one-off to the work of the charity. They them with an education and training, donation. Find out more from our giving them the opportunity to achieve interacted with volunteer staff who website their potential in life, as we will wish for work for the charity to find out their You can also contact us by email story, how they got involved and what our own children. We also support inspires them about ACT. There was a needy widows through training in ([email protected]) or by break for 01684 interactive educational games [email protected] business phone on 0208 6880386. To advertise call 833715 or email: 4 skills so that they can generate