The Link
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Each Edition
1. Registration
1.1 All claims lodged with Santam (irrespective of whether liability will be admitted, a policy
exists or notification is received late) must be registered timeously and correctly on the
current Santam operating system (or any other system used by Santam staff in a particular
environment (SOP Registration motor claims; SOP Registration non-motor claims;
SOP Forced registering claims; SOP Towing procedures reworked), Ref: CPP 0801; CPP 0802;
CPP 0803; CPP0804.
1.2 No temporary claims numbers are permitted, except by Santam during official office hours
and/or when the claims operating system is offline.
1.3 If the current operating system is offline, the incident process will be followed
(SOP Incident process), Ref: CPP 0805.
1.4 All third party information must be completed comprehensively to assist the Claims
Assessment Services.
1.5 PLIP and SASRIA indicators must be completed correctly to ensure referral to the Reinsurance
Department (SOP Santam PLIP; SOP Santam SASRIA), Ref: CPP 0806;
CPP 0807.
1.6 All telephonic claims must be recorded.
1.7 All business units, except Incident Management, are responsible for the re-opening of claims.
1.8 Santam is responsible for the issue of so-called “no claim” letters to policyholders and will
keep record of such (SOP Santam “No claim” letter process), Ref: CPP 0808.
1.9 Santam and the Johannesburg Claims Centre are responsible for processing Commercial
Outsourced Business Claims, excluding claims administrators with a claims fund. During
claims registration, all critical documents (as listed for the specific claim) will be obtained
from the client before segmenting the claim to be processed (SOP Santam Claims registration
process), Ref: CPP 0809.