The Limelight LIMELIGHT 2018 | Page 26

Limelight int with Mrs Bou erview sfield Q. Do you lik e A little on those who have left us this year………………. Evie Miss Carless joined the school as a teacher many years ago and quickly became a very special member of our school community so every one of us, children, staff and parents, was sad to hear that Miss Carless would be Yorkshire Marathon! Bonnie leaving us in July of this year. But who could stay sad for Steel ran her third Yorkshire long knowing that Miss Carless was leaving us to set off Marathon in October 2017, on the most wonderful adventure that dreams are made achieving her best time too! of, to travel through jungles, kayak down rivers, swim in waterfalls, explore exotic beaches and go on safari? Miss Carless brought so much to our school and we know how lucky we were to have her as a teacher in both Year 4 and then Reception and Year 1, where her amazing classroom, fabulous ideas and incredible teaching filled children's days with excitement and helped them to do their very best. We know the children who worked with Miss Carless will miss her terribly, but the grown-ups in school will miss her just as much, although she is not yet able to escape them as they are making sure Miss Carless keeps them up to date with exactly where her travels are taking her and what exciting adventures await. We do hope that Miss Carless visits us in school when she returns from her travels in South East Asia and we wish her all the luck and happiness in the world for the years ahead. Adam Mr Falkingham came to the school at the beginning of this year to train as a Classroom Assistant in our Pre-School, where he played such a special part in the children's days, and to help run the Pre-Prep After School Care. Mr Falkingham was great fun and always made time for the children, teaching them new games, enjoying sports and helping them to play together. Mr Falkingham is multi- talented and was known by everyone in school for his dedication to the school Swim Squad and fabulous swim coaching, which led to an unprecedented run of victories for the school team. He also played an important part in lunchtime football training and in Pre-School PE. It is no surprise then that Mr Falkingham was offered a job with Camp America and travelled to America in June of this year to spend the Summer season with them. We hope that Mr Falkingham enjoyed a Summer he will remember forever and wish him much luck and happiness. 24 teaching Lear ning Suppor A. I love teac t? hing Learning Support I ge work with so t to me amazing children and teachers. Q. What have you enjoyed in the last ye A. Lots! Seei ar? ng children pr ogress also ta swimmers to king galas, being in Games, othe r lessons, the volved in plays and so much more. Q. Have you enjoyed bein g a sport coac A. Very muc h? h, I do used to but I n’t do as much now as I do enjoy bein swimming an g d a bit of Gam involved with es. Q. How man y year at this school s have you been a teache ? r A. I have now been here fo r 16 years! W (2002) ow! Q. Do you lik e what you ha ve done this A. This year year? (and part of last ye done a huge course for Le ar) I have arning Supp it has been de ort m have spent on anding in terms of time I it at home bu glad that I di t I am very d it. Q. What was the most fun job you have this year? done A. I have enjo yed make up for the play, school walk the bu with the child t most of all having a laug ren I teach. h Q. Are you lo oking forwar d to what’s to come? A. ALWAYS! Oscar Denton Holtby Thursday 10th May 2018 at 1:18pm Weighing 8lb 14oz 3 favourite things: 1 Cuddles and kisses (especially from his big brother and sister) 2 When I sing nursery rhymes to him (especially baa baa black sheep and row row your boat) 3 Bath time Least favourite things: 1 Having his feet touched ( I think he might be ticklish) 2 Hiccups 3 The phone ringing (I think the loud noise startles him) A message from our Deputy Head, Mrs Cobb: “It was with HUGE excitement and great joy that, on Thursday 10th May 2018, we heard the very lovely news that Mrs Holtby, our Pre-School teacher, had given birth to Oscar Denton Holtby. Oscar is a little brother for Ella and Arthur who immediately fell in love with him, just as his mummy and daddy did. They were not the only ones however as lots of the grown ups in school immediately loved him too! We all think Mrs Holtby is very clever to have made such a gorgeous little boy and we look forward to watching Oscar grow. We can definitely recommend a pretty good Pre-School and School for him when he gets a little bit older! Everyone in school sends all of their love and congratulations to Mr and Mrs Holtby, Ella and Arthur and all of their love and best wishes for Oscar too.”