Bewerley Pa
Yr6 Eden Camp
At Eden Camp, we saw many things including guns,
field guns, tanks and rockets and planes.
Eden Camp was very educational. Since we were
allowed to bring our phones you might think we
wouldn’t have learnt as much but we still learnt loads
of stuff about World War Two.
We were in groups of three and that helped since we were doing a project. The blitz display was
incredible- it looked like a bomb had dropped on a town; the coalmine display was dark with
lights of the workers’ flickering oil lamps; it felt much like you were in a mine with the mine cart
and shabby looking rails.
Then there was the German submarine scene that you could walk into. You could hear the
radars of the British ships- the noise would get louder and louder and then...CRASH! The
submarine had been torpedoed.
By Charles Roberts and Edward Groombridge
ook Day
W o rl d B
Prize giving
Prize giving is when we celebrate our achievements that we
have completed during the school year. It’s when we say
goodbye to the teachers that are leaving and to the year sixes
that are going to the senior school or any other place.
It can be quite hard saying goodbye to your friends if they are
moving to a new school or a new country. It’s a really fun day
and emotional.
Dillon Quinn
Yr6 Buddhist Centre