The Limelight LIMELIGHT 2018 | Page 21

What a FANTASTIC year of fundraising at Pocklington Prep School! The whole school took part in a huge Coffee Morning to support Macmillan Cancer Support. Charity Reps and helpers were selling cakes outside to the children on the playground and teachers and staff were selling cakes to the parents in the hall. There was a great atmosphere and a lot of delicious food everywhere! The Charity Reps hosted three super assemblies and we were also visited by Mia from the York Dementia Society. The Reps shared the work that British Heart Foundation do. How Ward 51 both saved and changed the lives of Ella Smith and Mrs Cliff's baby, Toby. They also celebrated Will Briggs in his amazing efforts for raising money outside of school for St Leonard's Hospice which is a favourite charity for many people in our Foundation. The highlight of the year was the School Walk. Every person in the Foundation walked a set distance and it really was remarkable to see how well the children managed this. What was even more impressive was how much money and enthusiasm went into gaining sponsorship for this event. The children raised a HUGE amount of money for their houses and it was a big job keeping track of the money as it came flooding in. I am extremely grateful to my team of Reps. They have worked incredibly hard and I am looking forward to seeing what they will plan next year! Jervaulx - Macmillan Cancer Support £1,112.00 Rievaulx - British Heart Foundation £720.00 Fountains - Ward 51 £1,117.15 Byland - Dementia Society £979.75 Mrs B P Steel 19