Revolting Rhymes- not so revolting after all!
Year 5 and 6 were involved in their yearly play which, this year, was an adaptation of the Revolting
Rhymes poems written by Roald Dahl with additions by Mrs Foster and Mrs Hughes. Each class took
a rhyme which was itself based on a fairy tale with an extra of ‘Sleeping Beauty’ written by Mrs
Hughes in the style of a Roald Dahl poem. The children also introduced each play and sang many
songs which fitted with the fairy tales, most being taken from ‘Into the Woods’ by Stephen Sondheim
along with some other favourites.
Whether storytellers, active characters or backstage helpers, each child played their part, literally and
figuratively, adding tremendous character and life to the stories and melody to the words in the songs.
Hattie Cobb and Oliver Foster were a wonderful Red Riding Hood and the Wolf singing complex
music really well and Lucy Coles
was a cross Goldilocks who sang
her verse in the ‘Teddy bears’ picnic’
beautifully. Benjamin Riley was one
of the ugly sisters and commented
that he ‘loved his dress and make-
up!’ We certainly won’t forget him
and Sam Smart lifting their skirts to
swish across the ballroom in
Cinderella! Amy Colley also
mentioned, “I really liked how
everyone had an even and equal
speaking part; it was fair and
worked really well.”
It was hard to pick out a
memorable moment, as there were
so many brilliant performances from
so many, but one of my favourites
has to be Barnaby Walker’s
disgruntled pig talking to Will
Briggs’ Wolf!
Well done everyone!
Mrs Hughes