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A is for...
is for an Author at Aoy. Aoy was lucky enough to be selected for a visit from local author Larry Phifer. Mr. Phifer shared a presentation of his book World on a String with all of the first, second and third graders. The students were able to question Mr. Phifer about his purpose for writing the book, a lesson they usually have to determine on their own. Mr. Phifer also donated 2 more copies of his book to the library. The students are anxious for Mr. Phifer to return when he completes his next book.
By Carol Gonzalez, Librarian
Photo credit: Carol Gonzalez
A is also for Alice LaLiberty, a retired reading teacher from Longmire, Colorado. Mrs. LaLiberty’s school was discontinuing all materials in Spanish, including library books. She was able to box up over 20 boxes of weeded books, both in Spanish and English, and bring them to El Paso when she visited her mother for Thanksgiving. Thanks to her efforts, I was able to give away a good selection of books at Christmas and again for Dr Seuss’s birthday. This was the first time I was able to offer a book in Spanish to every child that wanted one.