I'm White, Angry, and Against Affirmative Action
by Unknown
*Scraped from the internet
Two wrongs don't make a right! Many people say that we should keep affirmative action to render
fairness to the minorities because of the wrongs that was once put on to
them. This simply does not make sense. To compensate someone, a person
must have gone through an experience. People today did not go through such
discrimination, as their past ancestors. How can we punish someone for
what they had no control? Our white society today did not commit the
wrongs that were committed a generation ago. We should not punish them,
but rather treat everyone fairly. We should treat everyone as Americans.
As Bakke quotes the Constitution, "...The guarantees of the Fourteenth Amendment extend to all persons.
It's language is explicit: "No State shall... deny to any person within
its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws." It is settled beyond
question that the rights created by the first section of the Fourteenth
Amendment are, by its terms, guaranteed to the individual." (Bakke, p.485)
In the past, we were fighting to abolish racial separation, but today, we
have affirmative action, which still brings about the separation of the
different races. We should fight for equality for all. Affirmative action
affects everyone, including our children.
Under the affirmative action law, our schools are currently
recruiting students according to race and color. According to a critic on
affirmative action, "A college board survey, described in Andrew Hacker's Two Nations, in 1992
the average combined SAT score for black students whose parents earn more
than $70,000 a year was 854, which was twenty-five points lower than the
average SAT for white students whose parents earn less than $20,000 a
year." (Rosen, p.3) ---> Next Page more...