The Liberatorum 07 March 2013 | Page 14

Fundamentals of Teamwork

- Short Note -

A team must succeed at task to complete a project or work together to complete what is needed to be done on a daily basis to support in each other’s functions and to finish individual task. Must have the ability to combine their efforts and know their abilities including knowledge skills. Daily in today’s work place everyone works together as a team or the office won’t be able to complete their task. There are fundamentals of what everyone believes in a team.

First in a team there must be established trust amongst the members, but at the beginning trust must be build. Trust is very critical so that we know everyone is reliable to conduct and finish the task to the guidelines or to a higher standard. We need to trust team members have the skills including abilities to finish a task that is delegated to them.

Second is understanding of the goals that must be created when a team is formed. We must ask ourselves what are our goals? What tasks can we complete to reach our goal? Who in the team will be the best at completing task? The team members must fully understand the overall goal and task that required to be completed to reach the goal. Because a team must understand their function with direction as a whole to have an overall vision of what is needed to be completed.

The KSA’s knowledge, skills and abilities of each team member which includes our strengths and weakness. The whole team must assess current strength and weakness of the team as a whole. Individual members and the team must be assessed as a whole. Including the ability to use our strength and weakness to the advantage of the team.

Timelines to complete task is very important. For a team must have overall milestones and individual milestones. When the team figures which individual members strong areas are to figure what tasks is most suitable for them. Then create individual milestones amongst team members to complete the team’s overall milestones. In many work places this isn’t applied in writing, but if this was applied in meetings including writing productivity can be risen. We must as a team complete task at hand in order to finish the project in a timely manner.

Communication and understanding is an important issue. In many workplaces communication becomes an issue. When co-workers don’t understand they are afraid to answer questions due to fear of reprisal. But when a question or issue is brought to the table there must be constructive answers giving back. So that solutions can be meet in a positive note. Also to communicate so that everyone understands what is required and other subjects brought to the table.