The Lens Magazine Aug. 2017 | Page 81

The Soft Issue August 2017 Story from Within assignment for being on campus. This however does not mean that all students that live on campus behave in such manner. It only depends on the individual, what you determine to do and the action you put towards achieving it. Having lived on campus, I would say school hostel is no heaven. Just as an off-campus student struggles for virtually everything, is the same way an on-campus student struggles for the needed things. Contrary to popular belief, the latter faces more difficulties than the form er. A student is put together with people of his/her no choice, various individuals who hails from different walks of life, having various character traits as well as deficiencies, religious differences and tribal disparity. A student that is accustomed to his/her personal privacy when at home or even before living on campus is forced to share a room with about 5 or 7 more other people (and if you are lucky lesser than this). Due to limited space, clashing of personalities, character deficiencies by other roommates, truffle and fights erupts, coupled with been in close proximity with the school authorities, this is a serious offense which could lead to evacuation from the school hostel, or even suspension for some weeks. Hence, a student is forced to live and endure with people he/she had no contact with prior to living together for about 7months or more. Getting a room in one of the hotels in school does not guarantee an enjoyable stay. A student that has just been allocated a room has to ensure he/she rushes to the room he/she has been allocated, tags his/ her name on few of the good beds in the bunks of the room, tags his/her identity on few of the durable and complete wardrobe, insure a secured place for his/her cooking, or be ready to face a rickety bunk, dissembled wardrobe, and a tiny corner for cooking for failure to play smart. The normal expectation of a student that has just gotten accommodation in school hostel is to have stable and clean water, stable electricity, clean and serene environment, however, the opposite is the case in most instances. A student that wakes up in the morning in the school hostel is hit with the reality of unavailable water, and been in a school environment, there is no neighbour you can run to fetch water from the well for just a bucket of water in order to bath, as such an affected student is forced to do “rub and shine” to class due to inability to get water, this “rub and shine” involves using a small amount of water to rub the body, use cloth to dab away the water, apply body cream and shine on to class without anyone knowing if you have had a bath or not. If and when the tap eventually runs, it protrudes with dirty water, manageable for bathing, and usable for washing and cooking only after it settles. The Law students dare not use such water before it settles to wash their white shirt “uniform” if they are not ready to be mocked for a soiled white shirt. Despite having so many cleaners in charge of cleaning the compounds in each hostel, the toilets and bathroom unfortunately are never conducive, always in a mess, however the cleaners are not to blame for this, in as much as they do their best, students however will behave as students, some mess the whole place up with faeces and urine and care less about flushing because they feel it is the responsibility of the cleaners and as such the cleaners abandon them. Someone once said that on- campus students look fatter than off-campus students; I guess it must be because of the terrible polluted air and horrid smell we inhale every day. Most times, the cleaners threaten to go on strike, they claim they have been deprived some months’ salary, hostel management also claims they have not been paid, school authorities say the blame is not theirs, school hostels are jointly owned and managed with private individuals. This once resulted into inhabitants of the school hostel developing cleaning routine for compound occupants when endurance on the part of hostel occupants had reached its climax, though this was eventually not carried out as planned, because some hostel mates refused to inconvenience themselves in cleaning hostels generations upon generations have lived in, and considering the fact that 81 they have paid for such services, there was no cooperation and eventually the plan did not work out. This only proves to show that living in a school hostel is not what it seems to be, life is not a bed of roses, thus living in a school hostel is definitely not fun affair, infact it brings out more of your survival instincts. There is nothing more annoying than living in the same hostel having several compounds and seeing other compounds having electricity and yet your own goes on for some days without having power supply. The struggle in calling upon the hostel management to get an electrician to fix the power box of a compound is real. The comments and sideways look you will get from the hostel portals would make you seriously question whether you have paid all the money required to get a hostel accommodation or you still owe a certain kobo to deserve such pathetic treatment. Thus, after praying and struggling to secure an accommodation in one of the school hostels, your prayer does not ends there, you need to pray that the fan in the room is working, the door knob is good and not loosed, the light bulb and socket is still working, or be ready to stick with that for half of the semester before your complaints receives a response and that is if you are persistent enough, but if you are forming and playing “bigman-ship” be prepared to have your demands met some days to starting exams. the LENS