The Lens Magazine Aug. 2017 | Page 36

The Soft Issue August 2017 Story from Within On Being a Student-Mother Family photo made available by author By: Zainab Alaaya The transition to motherhood requires intense prioritising. In between attending to your crying baby, changing her diaper in a bid to stop her fussiness, doing your house chores, you still have to study for an upcoming test. As a student, raising a child is an extremely challenging feat that tests your endurance. This is because it can be really exhausting. However, if you are determined, it does not prevent you from forging ahead. Parenting as a student requires you to use the little time you have wisely. I had started taking my baby girl with me to school since she was three weeks old. It was easy to attend classes with her then because she was still a baby and rarely disturbs. She would be napping most of the time. Things changed few months later. She reached her teething stage. Attending classes with her became really difficult. I could not take her to a day-care centre. I felt she was too young to be exposed to day-care treatment. The ones (day- care outfits) I saw were especially not encouraging. I had to start monitoring her naptime. While my baby was sleeping I would be doing house chores I had abandoned. It was also around this time I do some studying. 36 On some mornings, my baby would want to sleep and since I have a class, I have to wake her up and this leads to extra fussiness which also requires extra breastfeeding to soothe her. This is so that she does not disturb me while I am in the classroom. the LENS