The Lens Magazine 2019 THE LENS 2019 CCOMPLETE | Page 12
Women Sterotype
Adedoyin Kolawole
ver the years, women what options she was left with? But a power have been unleashed woman is always so quick to be judged in a manner so amazing and once she'd risen marvelously like a unexpected. Their potential awed so phoenix rising up from ashes. Only I
many and as incredible as it is, it seems that we forget, whatever it is that was One of gold and diamonds,
to have a lot of skepticism imbued in it. achieved, be it gold or diamond, a price Beauty and fame.
So many questions arise when a woman was paid. The gold wouldn't be if it of great achievement show up in social hadn't endured the scorching blaze, gatherings, some of which include; even diamond had to go through a lot of 'How did she manage to do this?', 'what violent hitting and cutting. And we see has she sacrificed to attain this height? them from afar only to think, “Oh, how Her marriage?', 'how many has she beautiful this looks!” How about, in the bedded? She must have slept her way to surreptitious part of our heart we this position. . . The list goes on like that think of their obstacles, the broken and most times I have to mull over the rules, the sleepless nights, the reason a woman's success have to bring discriminations, the harassment, the my dream car, how will the world a lot of unpleasant thoughts and ill falls, the days when they drown, or believe it wasn't a gift from a sugar feeling into the gut of so many. Yeah when they would slip because the daddy and was actually gotten from they might have been casted aside wrong step was taken, how hard it had my hard earned money? I own a big centuries ago and might have been been for them to grow, how uneasy the organization, how do I make them confined religiously but that doesn't process had been. believe I worked my ass out day and
A story I have envied,
I wished upon a tale,
But it was also a story,
That hides behind an attractive surface,
Concealing the ugly parts,
And covered with deception.
Beggars will ride.
In reality, those wishes,
Come to think of it, have anyone So, is it women? I would say it's the I'm a woman, and the society has seem
thought of her struggle? The pains she society. The society has affected a lot in to adjust to that myopic mindset.
must have suffered through the years in the miseries of women. As a matter of Whether we agree or not, this new
becoming who she is now; the hurdles fact, standing up to the society has propaganda has found a way of nailing
she must have jumped all alone to been one hell of a challenge to the strong women to a spot and now seem
attain the present prestigious seat she successful women in this era. It seems to be more of a greater challenge to
now finds herself. Did anyone think of more like a cross to bear, or the next in them than being successful itself.
her tears and sorrows, how terrible line of fears to face once they've Once I met a lady who would've aimed
she'd fought through her fears, how conquered the fear of being called a for a castle to breed princes and
difficult she'd swam frighteningly in failure. princesses went for a house. “I'll have
Inner Waves Will make them crawl,
I I wishes upon a tale,
Okoyomon Rebecca
And eat their own dirt.
'm lost, Utterly confused Abandoned, left alone, and lost, Under a sky,
and dumbfounded, I pray, I think, I hope, Filled with endless stars.
Seeking his love, his face, his all My wish did come true.
Why? It's my warzone, I'm here, Grace or fake, Upon A Tale
Trying to understand choices, Win or stumble, Hoping God will take his place, Attack or be consumed.
Life difficult to comprehend,
Sharon Chidra, Jonah
Seeking, begging and asking for
It's a storm I fight alone,
With tears, scares, fears,
This is my whirlpool, my I beg, I plead, I seek,
temptations, Disappointed and uncertain,
Guarded by doubts, I hope I will be settled someday.
sons and daughters, she'd said. “But
the ocean of terror of which she found
no one, just herself in the middle of So I found my favorite job, how do Itell they would be low born,” I reminded.
sharks and scary creatures in the water people it's consequential to my hard “Maybe they wouldn't if I found a
ready to swallow her once she let her work? I got a promotion, how do I king,” she'd told me sadly. Glaring into
guards down. Have anyone asked what convince the world that I didn't have would be low born,” I reminded.
shoes she'd found herself, or my back laid to get it? I bought myself “Maybe they wouldn't if I found a
Of knowledge and wealth,
Of constant replays of what I could have.
night and I truly deserved it; because
make a woman a persona non grata.
wished upon a tale,