The Legend of English 2019 The Legend of English 2019 | Page 11

_____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ➢ Each term we will have at least one in-class Written Master Quest and one Speaking Master Quest. ➢ They may be done individually or in teams. The Speaking Master Quests must be video recorded to form part of your Adventure Log. ➢ There are 6 options for each Master Quest. ➢ Heroes can choose whichever Master Quest they prefer but will receive bonus XP for completing Master Quests related to their intelligences. ➢ Heroes need to indicate when they are completing Master Quests related to their intelligences. ➢ After the Written Master Quest has been corrected and graded by the Old Man JAZ, it will be returned to you for revision and rewriting. ➢ The rewrite of the writing assignment must be typed up and printed out and handed in stapled to the original handwritten version with rubric and outline. ➢ The rewrite of the writing assignment counts as part of your portfolio. _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________