The Legend of English 2019 The Legend of English 2019 | Page 11
➢ Each term we will have at
least one in-class Written
Master Quest and one
Speaking Master Quest.
➢ They may be done
individually or in
teams. The Speaking
Master Quests must be
video recorded to
form part of your
Adventure Log.
➢ There are 6 options for
each Master Quest.
➢ Heroes can choose
whichever Master
Quest they prefer but
will receive bonus XP
for completing Master
Quests related to their
➢ Heroes need to indicate when
they are completing Master
Quests related to their
➢ After the Written Master
Quest has been corrected
and graded by the Old Man
JAZ, it will be returned
to you for revision and
The rewrite of the
writing assignment must be
typed up and printed out and
handed in stapled to the
original handwritten
version with rubric and
➢ The rewrite of the
writing assignment counts as
part of your portfolio.