The Legend of English 2018 The Legend of English 2018 | Page 12

_____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ▪ There will be at least 3 Mini Bosses per term. ▪ The Mini Bosses may be on vocabulary, grammar, content of texts read for class. theory, or the ▪ They will be mostly done on Wednesdays. ▪ Heroes have 5 lives to fight the MiniBosses, they will keep the score obtained in the last life or last save-point. Lives are only valid during the Battle Time Limit. ▪ Save points are the grades from which you can’t go lower: +70, +85, +93 ▪ Heroes have open access to their tools (notes, texts, etc.) during the Mini Boss Battles. ▪ There is an optional Mini Boss battle at the end of the term for people who missed one. ▪ Getting 100 in the first life against a MiniBoss while fighting without PowerCards gives you 10 extra points you can move to another MiniBoss battle, Master Quest or Mission. ▪ The first 5 per group who can get 100 in the first life against a MiniBoss while fighting without PowerCards give +5XP to their whole Hero Group. Back to Index _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________