The Legacy of Dr. Covey July 2013 | Page 9

To Stephen , more important than his professional work was his work with his family . Stephen was a devoted husband , father and grandfather and spent a considerable amount of time with his immediate and extended family , getting together for vacations , games , celebrations , birthdays , and events of all kinds , and having one-on-one time with each of his children and grandchildren , which he loved doing . Stephen truly believed that the greatest work we do is within the four walls of our own homes and was a model of a loving and committed husband and father to the end .
Bob Whitman , chairman and CEO of FranklinCovey , said , “ We lost a dear friend today . Stephen was one of the world ’ s great human beings . His impact is incalculable and his influence will continue to inspire generations to come . We extend our deepest condolences to Dr . Covey ’ s family , his wife Sandra , their nine children and spouses , grandchildren , and great-grandchildren . Stephen frequently referred to them as his greatest joy , inspiration , and most significant contribution and legacy to the world .”
Source : Franklin Covey Co .