The Legacy of Dr. Covey July 2013 | Page 32

I attended Dr . Covey ’ s 7 Habits in 2000 . The program taught me about principle centered living , the power of paradigms and the freedom you get when you are being proactive . Dr . Covey ’ s teachings has given me a foundation of calmness — especially in difficult times — knowing that principles govern and that the answer lies within me . I am indebted to him for teaching me this ability .

Being a representative of FranklinCovey in Thailand , I also count myself fortunate to have had the opportunity to meet Dr . Covey in person on several occasions . Dr . Covey was a mesmerizing presenter with an incredible aura . I could feel he was a very special person from the energy that he radiated . He was also very much a family man – and it was amazing for me to see him banter with his sons Sean and David .
Dr . Covey has taught and shared so many valuable lessons that helped make me a better leader and to be a person with character . I am not fully there yet but I am mindful about it . Finally , I would like to share an excerpt from Dr . Covey ’ s book “ Principle Centered Leadership ” which I feel is important for all leaders to be mindful of . In Chapter 7 of this book , Dr . Covey quoted Mahatma Gandhi – saying that as leaders , we should keep in mind and avoid the seven deadly sins that will destroy us .