The LeafFilter® Experience Connecting | Educating | Protecting | Page 20

WATER RECYCLING Installing LeafFilter on gutters can help make water recycling easier. ® LeafFilter ® acts as a natural filter for debris, meaning nothing but pure rainwater will enter your rain harvesting system. LeafFilter ® also ensures all rainwater will be properly diverted into your harvesting system instead of overflowing your gutters. This means zero waste, and maximum effectiveness for your entire rainwater harvesting system. The Benefits of Water Recycling Using rainwater to keep your plants watered can significantly reduce utility bills. Rainwater has none of the chemicals of city water, like chlorine, which can be harmful to plants. Rainwater stores can provide a reliable source of water during times of drought, as well as give excess water a place to go to prevent flooding during rainy seasons. Recycling water is environmentally friendly. Water Recycling 18 | CO N N EC T IN G . EDU C AT I N G . PRO T EC T I N G . T H E LE A F F I LT E R ® E X P E R I E N CE | 19