The LeafFilter® Experience Connecting | Educating | Protecting | Page 10

LOCATIONS North America United States + Canada Since opening with one small office in 2005, LeafFilter ® has rapidly grown into an international corporation. And, as demand for our one-of-a-kind product increases, this growth shows no signs of stopping. ALABAMA Birmingham ARKANSAS Little Rock CALIFORNIA Sacramento San Jose COLORADO Denver CONNECTICUT Hartford FLORIDA Jacksonville Tampa Orlando GEORGIA Atlanta ILLINOIS Chicago IOWA Des Moines KENTUCKY Louisville LOUISIANA Baton Rouge MARYLAND Baltimore MASSACHUSETTS Boston MICHIGAN Detroit Grand Rapids MINNESOTA Minneapolis MISSOURI Kansas City St. Louis NEBRASKA Lincoln NEW HAMPSHIRE Portsmouth NEW JERSEY Newark NEW YORK Albany Long Island Rochester NORTH CAROLINA Charlotte Raleigh OREGON Salem PENNSYLVANIA Philadelphia Pittsburgh SOUTH CAROLINA Charleston TENNESSEE Nashville Memphis Knoxville TEXAS Austin Dallas Houston UTAH Salt Lake City VIRGINIA Fredericksburg WASHINGTON Seattle WISCONSIN Milwaukee KEY OHIO Akron Columbus Cincinnati Toledo OKLAHOMA Oklahoma City CANADA London Ottawa Prince Edward Toronto 2018 2012 2017 2011 2016 2010 2015 2009 2014 2008 2013 2005 Locations 08 | CO N N EC T IN G . EDU C AT I N G . PRO T EC T I N G . T H E LE A F F I LT E R ® E X P E R I E N CE | 09