one addiction for another,” most also thought
it was acceptable for a person in SUD
treatment to use medical marijuana.
“Overall,” the study‘s authors note, “our
results suggest that addictions treatment
providers have mixed opinions about medical
marijuana legalization.”
Among the factors that appeared to influence
participants’ attitudes toward medical
marijuana were age—younger professionals
were more open to the idea—past experience
consuming cannabis and personal knowledge
of someone who’d used cannabis for
therapeutic purposes. Providers on the East
Coast also viewed medical marijuana more
favourably than in other parts of the country.
“These mixed attitudes may actually reflect a
healthy scepticism,” researchers conclude.
“That is, if the current trends continue,
addictions treatment professionals may be
poised to both accept medical marijuana
legalisation and to handle any associated
negative consequences.
Medicinal Cannabis and our fur babies
Hey Andrew, thought I’d let you know
that my cat Ellie has had big
improvements already she’s actually
moving around a lot more instead of
sleeping, and she’s been jumping a
little more onto furniture. And I also got
some hemp seed so everyone’s taking that