This finding is corroborated by further
research showing that the opioid prescription
rate is lower by 6,38% in states with cannabis
medical laws and that Colorado's adult
cannabis law is associated with a reduction in
the prescription rate of opioids. relative opioid
overdose mortality rate between 1999 and
"The anti-inflammatory Non-steroidal drugs
(NSAIDs) such as ibuprofen cause
gastrointestinal bleeding or kidney damage
when used chronically.
The toxicity of paracetamol (acetaminophen)
is the second most common cause of
transplantation which is responsible for 56000
emergency room visits, 2600 hospitalizations
and 500 deaths annually in the United States.
"adds Wurm
However, researchers warn against the need
for further research to understand the benefits
and side effects of cannabis for health.
On 1240 single responses, most were under
the age of 50 (90%), with 42% of women.
More than half (54%) reported having
excellent or very good health.
In summary, research finds that de facto
Medical cannabis use is common among
Although adult use laws are often referred to
as "recreational", the findings suggest that
many clients use cannabis to relieve their
"The challenge is that health care providers
are far behind when it comes to knowing
which cannabis products are effective and
which are not. As long as there is no other
research on cannabis products that act on the
symptoms, patients will make their own "trial
and error", their own experiences, asking their
friends, the media for advice. and dispensary
employees, "says Wurm.