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Thailand produces 1st batch of cannabis oil
By Tan Hui Yee - 8 th August 2019
Thailand's state-owned drug-maker presented
its first batch of cannabis oil to the Health
Ministry yesterday as the country readied
public hospitals to prescribe the treatment.
A total of 4,500 5ml bottles of cannabis oil
were delivered by the Government
Pharmaceutical Organisation (GPO), less than
a year after Thailand loosened restrictions on
the narcotic last December.
Thai Deputy Prime Minister and Health
Minister Anutin Charnvirakul (above)
holding up a bottle of cannabis oil at a press
briefing yesterday.
The first batch of the oil was delivered less
than a year after Thailand loosened
restrictions on the narcotic last December.
4,500 5ml bottles delivered by govt body as
hospitals prepare to prescribe the treatment
"Doctors will diagnose each patient and
prescribe each formula to be used," Deputy
Prime Minister and Health Minister Anutin
Charnvirakul said at a news conference.
"This will not cause harm or addiction if it is
used under medical supervision."
While cannabis, also known as marijuana, is
outlawed in many parts of South-east Asia,
two of the plant's key chemical compounds -
tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) and cannabidiol