In doing so, the compound can have anti-
anxiety and anti-depressant effects, while also
helping reduce stress.
5. CBD is an Antiemetic
Nausea and vomiting are really common
They can be the result of a specific condition,
or can also be caused by treatments or
medications such as chemotherapy.
Both in humans and dogs, nausea and
vomiting are serious symptoms, often leading
to a decreased appetite, rapid weight loss,
dehydration, fatigue, and more.
There are plenty of antiemetic medications on
the market, and some of the most common
given to dogs and cats include acepromazine,
chlorpromazine, aminobenzamide, and more.
These drugs, while often effective in
controlling nausea and vomiting, can cause a
wide variety of side effects, including:
• Hypotension
• Strong sedation
• Lowered seizure thresholds for animals
with epilepsy
• Excessive drooling
• Lethargy
• Lack of appetite
• Diarrhea
You can read more about antiemetic
medications for animals and their adverse
effects here.
There is a strong body of evidence that shows
that CBD is a successful antiemetic,
controlling both nausea and vomiting while
also stimulating appetite.
Interestingly, it seems to do so by stimulating
5-HT1A receptors, the same receptor which
can help reduce anxiety.
By activating this receptor, CBD can
significantly reduce feelings of nausea and
also suppress the subsequent vomiting reflex.
Research also suggests that prolonged
stimulation of the CB1 cannabinoid receptor
in the brain can also help reduce nausea and
In doing so, studies show that CBD can have
powerful antiemetic effects.
In fact, some studies suggest CBD is a better
antiemetic than some modern medications.
Best of all, CBD doesn’t cause any of the side
effects of traditional antiemetic medications.
6. CBD May Slow Tumour Growth
Cancer and malicious tumours are common in
pets and, in many cases, prove to be fatal.
Until now, there is no known cure for cancer,
and treatment usually focuses on slowing the
growth of a tumour while reducing pain and
other symptoms.
The most common treatment for cancer and
tumours in pets is chemotherapy.
chemotherapy can produce a wide variety of
side effects, including:
• Tiredness, fatigue, and lethargy
• Loss of appetite
• Vomiting
• Diarrhea
However, new research shows that
cannabinoids like CBD can have unique
anticancer effects, too.
In fact, a growing body of research is
beginning to explore just how cannabinoids
can help slow the growth and spread of cancer
and even reduce the size of tumours.
For example, a 2011 study conducted at the
Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Centre in
Boston showed that CBD can cause
programmed cell death and hence inhibit the
growth of breast cancer.
Another study, published by researchers from
the University of Naples Federico II, Italy,
also showed that CBD can help protect
against colon cancer in rats by stopping the
development, growth, and spread of
malignant tumours.
Research from Complutense University,
Madrid, has also shown that CBD and other
cannabinoids can enhance the effect of
traditional chemotherapy.
Researchers suggest it does so by increasing
the rate by which cancer cells absorb
chemotherapy agents, while simultaneously
protecting healthy cells.