Hello everyone
Hard to believe this is the final edition of ‘the leaf’ for 2018,
and the beginning of our 4 th year of publication…
Wow, where has that time gone, and the mailing subscription list
just keeps on growing every month.
Little Green Trailer Tasmania will be in Melbourne for the HHI
Expo on the 8 th and 9 th December.
Please come along and say “Hi”, we would love to meet you and
have a chat. Lots of educational hand outs to encourage you to do
your own research of the health benefits of Hemp and Medicinal
Cannabis. Some ‘freebies’ and several raffles on both days of the Expo.
This issue has been entirely devoted to our animal friends and fur babies.
ALL mammals have a endo cannabinoid system, so benefit from a hemp diet and medicinal
cannabis for diseases and illnesses.
Some of the stories will bring a tear to your eye as we now explore the amazing success with
medicinal cannabis for animals.
Please make sure you pass a copy onto your veterinarian, and talk to them about it for your pet.
Well, although only November, next issue is January/February
2019, hence I need to wish all my readers a very Merry Christmas
and a Happy and Joyous New Year.
Thank you everyone for supporting the work I do.
If I had a New Year’s resolution, it would be that we all work
together in this cause, we ALL have a part to play, be it big or small.
We need to ALL be on the same page.
PLEASE everyone, enough of the egos, narcissism, back stabbing, lies to discredit others…
I’m over it and I am sure many of you feel the same way. Let’s make it right in 2019.
Enjoy the read.
Andrew Irving
Medicinal Cannabis & Hemp Tasmania® and Little Green Trailer Tasmania
Passionate Advocate for the Legalisation of Medicinal Cannabis for ALL AUSTRALIANS
All submissions / feedback for the magazine can be emailed to - [email protected]
(Personal stories can be anonymous if you wish)
Deadline for January / February 2019 edition - Mid December 2018
We thank Senator Carol Brown and her staff for
their assistance in printing this newsletter on a
regular basis, which include a few bound hard
copies. This has allowed the Doctors and Specialists
who have requested them, to have a quality copy in
their respective consulting rooms.
We also thank ALL Labor members for their
continued support in the legalisation and education
of Medicinal Cannabis.