The Leaf THE LEAF May-June 2019 | Page 3

Hello Federal elections this month, Liberals have imploded, all of their own doing, but they are not a party for the “Aussie Battler” Please be fully aware when voting, especially here in Tasmania, and despite being a Federal election, that the Labor party Tasmania are right behind the legalisation of Medicinal Cannabis We have all seen videos, people in full blown spasms, fits etc, and been given Medicinal Cannabis, and within the hour a remarkable change in their condition. Well, I witnessed this first hand in my lounge room mid-March when a lady arrived with severe shaking of arms and head from the Parkinson’s condition she has had for 10 years. This lady was in tears as was so frustrated by her condition. She was given ¼ teaspoon of canna coconut, and within 20 minutes all shakes had ceased and continued to improve over the next hour – such is the remarkable benefits from Medicinal Cannabis, but to actually witness this before my eyes was astounding. Keep up the good fight everyone, enjoy the read and please forward onto others. Andrew Irving Medicinal Cannabis & Hemp Tasmania® and Little Green Trailer Tasmania Passionate Advocate for the Legalisation of Medicinal Cannabis for ALL AUSTRALIANS All submissions / feedback for the magazine can be emailed to - [email protected] (Personal stories can be anonymous if you wish) Deadline for July / August 2019 edition - Mid June 2019 We thank the Labor Party of Tasmania for their continued support and determination to bring in Medicinal Cannabis legislation. I especially want to thank the Labor Party of Tasmania for their support of the work that I do, and the many offices who kindly print hard copies of this newsletter for me. Senator Carol Brown and her staff print out includes a few bound hard copies. This has allowed the Doctors and Specialists who have requested them, to have a quality copy in their respective consulting rooms. We also thank ALL Labor members for their continued support in the legalisation and education of Medicinal Cannabis. Printed copies of ‘the leaf’ are kindly being done by the follow Labor Politicians Senators Lisa Singh, Anne Urquhart, Catryna Bilyk, Jo Siejka, Brian Mitchell MP , Justine Keay MP and Ella Haddad *****(please let me know if I have missed anyone)*****